Candice is an integrative artist with a 360 degree skill set (holistic beauty / wellness practitioner and creative arts / consultant) based in NYC for over 25 years.

She comes from a Talent America dance background, and was educated in art and image at Tulane University in New Orleans.  Certified and insured in clinical aromatherapy / organic botanicals, and multiple energetic, bioenergetic, and listening therapy modalities with a federally registered NPI (National  Provider Identifier) number as a preventative health care provider. 

Her intention is to increase the quality of our lives by shifting perceptions on several levels.  Utilizing integrated services from a multidimensional skill set.  Offering a unique lens.  More details below.

She lives  a creators life and enjoys the arts on all levels.  An excellent driver and fantastic traveler.
+1 (347)645-0521


Ayurvedic / Natural Face Lift masseuse (the London Centre of Indian Champissage International)

Ayurvedic / Crown polish (head massage / Indian Champissage from the London Centre of Indian Champissage International)

Bioenergy Practitioner / life force energy qigong (ARE of New York Edgar Cayce Center)

Clinical level Aromatherapist / plant therapy (the New York Institute of Aromatic Studies, professional member of the Alliance of International Aromatherapists /AIA)

Intergraded Energy Therapy / IET Advanced Practitioner 

Integrative Thanatology: The Art of Dying (The Association of Death Education and Counseling / Open Center NYC)

Reiki Master Teacher (member of IARP the International Association of Reiki Professionals, energics from The Art of Energetic Healing School).


the Arts (painting, sculpture, photography, motion, visual arts, dance, music, stage makeup/hair), Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Shirodhara, death / grief counseling / listening,  makeup/grooming (stage / tour trained), natural botanicals and perfumery, philosophy, remote / in person energetic arts, soap making, wine making, and human nature.


stage and fine art trained professional makeup artist / mens groomer / camera ready skin and light hair NYC/US and international for 23 years, assisting / interning 3 years

Fine Art/Photography (Tulane NOLA)

classic and stage trained professional dancer (member of Talent America from ages 13-16, EUROPE / USSR touring member age 15.)



HOLISTIC:  in the idea of interconnectedness, wholeness as opposed to just a part.  A factoring in of relevant elements for the highest desired outcome. 

BEAUTY:  is subjective and comes in many forms.  To me it is the recognition and celebration of all things divine.  Also subjective, I view beauty like weather.  There is an exquisiteness about all elements depending on perception, which is mutable.  And a full range of beauty please if its applicable, it gives depth, from horribly beautiful to incredibly beautiful.  Creativity being the key to express the desired intent.  Trained in the full spectrum of the arts, sensory arts, the energetics of the human condition, and excited to translate them in creative form.  

My own personal idea of "beauty" is to celebrate and learn from it - all of it.  Organic and man made.  A glorious side effect of a New Orleans/Tulane education developed and expanded in the creative and energetic environment of NYC and beyond.  

WELLNESS/wellbeing:  generally defined as health.  Health usually equates to beauty (and to wealth).  When we feel and look good we radiate.  Radiant wellness = beauty, which is ageless/timeless/evergreen.  "Health" has an effortless vibrant quality to it.  A richness all its own.  It can be translated into the idea of "camera ready".  Trained and certified in the energetics and therapeutic qualities of wellbeing in multiple modalities.  

CREATIVE ARTS / CONSULTING:  accessing and elevating the objective.  How?  By holistically envisioning the tangible creative manifestation of it.  As a painter I was taught how to look at light.  To change my perception of it, and to then reproduce it.  In all mediums.  Accessing the best one/ones for the translation of the idea.  The childs watercolor being the most unforgiving, its nature translucent.  Oil being the most pliable.  Tonal prep, under paintings,  layering, and the luxury of time to set.  I have refined these skills on the human canvas as a makeup artist, mens groomer, and camera ready artist adding in the education of dynamic humanity aka energetics.  Live subject(s), clients, talent team, personal management, the energetics of it all, and being creative on command.  25 years to date, and progressing, in NYC based experience in the arts of commerce.  All of these skills available in consulting form.

INTENT AND MISSION STATEMENT:  it is my intention to increase our quality of lives for my highest good and the highest good of all.  Because I believe in love, compassion, and gratitude.  Its rewarding to hold space for our art, our creativity, our humanity and divinity.  

May we all know freedom from suffering, freedom from fear, and may we have everything we need for our highest good and the highest good of all.  Loved, healthy, and happy.


Holistic Beauty / Wellness Practitioner:  Multidimensional holistic beauty and wellness. Catering to the mind, body, and spirit.  The whole being, from skin to energy, from birth to death.  Diverse offerings starting with the basics.  We all may have different wants and needs.  Maybe the talent needs a glass of water while sitting in the chair.  Hydration = plump cells.

An ever evolving 30 years NYC experience in all aspects of fashion, 25 years experience and counting translating them on the face.  Literally "laying hands" on the apex of the senses.  Using the epicenter of our reality processor as a canvas.  (Its never just blush that translates "happiness".  And an eye sparkle is priceless right?) 

Creative Arts/ Consulting:  Turning that creative idea, the objective into a reality.  The narrative into a visual legacy - art - and making dreams real.  Utilizing time spent learning on set/location, and part of teams as well as making personal art.  Deepening my understanding of the balance / connection between art / commerce and humanity.  Also available in counseling form.

SERVICES / OFFERINGS:  Aromatherapy /plant therapy (Clinical level), Ayurvedic (holistic/natural) facelift massage and crown polish (head massage/champissage), bespoke botanicals (skin care and formulation), Creative Direction / Consulting, death work and grief counseling, energetic arts, face reading, facial marma point stimulation, makeup art / mens grooming / camera ready, natural custom perfume, and Shirodhara.  Available for creative arts, consulting, stills, motion, events, and collaborations locally and on location. 

INVOICING FOR BENEFITS AND INSURANCE AVAILABLE:  May be covered by some benetifs / insurance - ask your Doctor or provider professional.  You may need a referral.  I am a federally registered Preventative Care Provider with NPI (National Provider Identifier) and NPPES (National Plan + Provider enumeration System).  Medical billing professionally approved CAM (Complementary Alternative Medicine)  codes, and CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) code.  All services insured.  Historically there has been a minimum needed - a bundle of sessions.  Clients have had amazing results.  At the very least sessions give us time to process, at the most surgeries have been delayed due overall health improvements.  Not a doctor or a medical professional, please check in with them.  Holistic care is an individual balance, whatever is best for each of us. 



DISCLAIMER:  Any/all information contained on this website, and associated social media (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, collectively "website"), including ideas, suggestions, articles, books, social media postings, and other materials is informative in nature and is provided only as general information.  Further, any/all information contained in this website may or may not reflect the most current available.  In addition, any/all information presented on this website is not intended to be a substitute for obtaining advice from an appropriate professional.  Please always consult your medical professionals.

Any/all information, stories, examples, articles, or testimonials presented on this website do not constitute any sort of warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome for another individual.  While any/all materials, links, and other resources are posted in good faith, the accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness of any information herein, as with any publication, cannot be guaranteed.  Candice Forness accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of any/all information contained on this website.

By viewing this website you agree to forever fully release, indemnify, and hold harmless, Candice Forness, from any claim or liability whatsoever and for any damage or injury, personal, emotional, psychological, financial or otherwise, which you may incur arising at any time out of or in relation to your use of this website and the information, (any/all) and other materials contained herein. 

By continuing to explore this website, you represent you have read, understand and agree to all of the above.  This website contains copyrighted material (all rights reserved).  Any unauthorized use of the information and art published on this website is prohibited by federal law.  Thank you.

What is "energy, energetics, and energetic arts"?  It is the space being held for the client to heal themselves.  We are all our own healers.  As a certified energetic practitioner I am holding space for clients to heal themselves.  Simply a facilitator with the intent and vow to do no harm, and only operating within the perimeters of the law.  Subtle and rewarding, it is an honor, a privilege, and a pleasure to hold space for our divinity.








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