By accessing and elevating the clients objective.  Then holistically envisioning a tangible creative manifestation of it.  And or having a conversation about it = consulting.  25 years NYC based experience extending cross country and world wide.  A perspective rooted in humanism.  

With a fine art / photo / motion / dance / music / aromatic / energetic / psychology background my interest in Creative Direction and Consulting developed organically.  

A multiple medium Fine Art education in painting/drawing and photo/image with stage makeup experience as an international touring dancer led to a career in makeup art and mens grooming (making photo ready) in NYC based US/international photo/motion and event work.  An amazing way to be paid to learn on set/location more about art and commerce.  Including brand legacy, client objectives, logistics, focus, management, creative direction/development, delivering excellence, and the humanity connecting it all - as a working living artist.  

This priceless ever evolving 25 year accumulation of knowledge in the industry is invaluable.  

25 years in addition to a working background in high end jewelry (a non necessity) sales/trade shows/creative administration for a NYC Soho jewelry designer/store owner, international and national buying/trade show/sales experience for another wholesale/multiple retail store owner.  With the added education of very specific certifications woven in creates a unique perspective of how the element of our mortality factors into art of selling.  It really is how we feel and think about things.  The mind/body link.  

The experience of "painting" the human canvas a whole other education in its self.  The living breathing talent "selling" the ideology of the item/brand is in fact a person doing a job.  Them and their face/skin my responsibility while working.  Not just the makeup/skincare but their wellbeing.  The energetics (feelings/vibe) and biological portion, the matter of fact reality of working with the individual/s who is/are the "face of a brand".  (Especially as a grown female on her third career, I was 27 when I started assisting in 1999.)  Those of us in the business know what happens when the they arent feeling it.  They may just need a music change or water.  As the person on the inner team (hair, beauty, stylist) we go in first.

The face is an intimate education.  Who else is touching your face?  Usually family.  Makeup art/grooming is literally a face to face graduate level schooling.  (It also seems to be a favorite?  Everyone wants a turn in the chair!)

The face is how we are mostly perceiving our existence.  

Housing the majority of our senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, feel) and connected to it, the computer brain.  We generally use this apex of our awareness to process our "reality".  

How we utilize all this for commerce, translating a mood, look, experience, or feel to speak to the client base is knowledge worth its weight in gold.  

Skincare a priority, and with seemingly genetic magic hands, I upgraded adding a deeper level of understanding by specializing.  Certifications in Ayurvedic natural facelift and champissage/head massage (crown polish), Clinical Aromatherapy, Integrative Thanatology, blended in with multiple energetic and counseling modalities.  Tutored in the subtle nuances of emotion that unconsciously flicker through us.  Trained to listen - witness, the mind and body processing via the face, physicality, and its field.  Not just the words - the symphony of responses.  In addition to the cognition of the conscious, silent languages found in dance/movement, and scent.  All mixed in with the intentional language in the sounds and silences of music.  Those gorgeous liminal spaces - even more important.  A 360* internal and external view, conscious and unconscious.

In this increasing digital age my unique skill set creates a rare lens.  One that I trust connects us in the relatable oneness of the human experience.  Excited to create together - let's render your vision.  Consulting another option. 

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FATE: fāt/ verb 1. be destined to happen, turn out, or act in a particular way.

FATE is a two minute honey dipped slow ride. Captured with the Phantom Miro and framed tight, it is a front row seat to a beautifully intimate moment that will slowly punch you in the heart. Gorgeously lit, shot and cast to perfection, with a soundtrack to match. Designed to tap into your memories - emotions.  Let that dopamine flow.

Is he STILL talking?  Look at his MOUTH.  All the words coming out of it are delicious.  Hes smart, fascinating, and I want to know more......  but...  Look at the way it moves when he talks.  What is he even saying now?  Those lips.  Are they soft?  That MOUTH.  What does he taste like?  She thought to herself.  Her eyes lingering on his mouth then back to his eyes.  Those eyes were brighter now.  Lips almost smiling.  

Time had slowed down.  

She could only see and think about one thing now.  Tunnel vision had taken effect, and she was unconsciously focused only on his lips.  What was it taking so long?  He's was interested -  she could feel all the signs.  And before she knew it she had gone for it.  His mouth was as sweet and soft as she thought it would be.  Heavenly.  Just as curious - just as hungry as hers.  Perfect.

A gem of a moment most adults can all relate to.  The "time melt" before a first kiss.  So pure - so fun, and so exquisite.  When everything is fresh and brand new - it only happens once with them right?  Sometimes you find yourself leaning in first.  This is a brief representation of a glorious moment in time from a particular perspective.  A human experience celebrated and represented in a high art form style.  The richness of it slowed down and suspended to an intentionally heart-stopping degree.  Cherished and immortalized as only art can.  In an unapologetically high quality and beautiful format, as the artist (me) felt it deserved.  Portrayed by two gorgeous actors well informed on the scene and the action.  Shoot day was - however - the first time they met.  

The raw material used was their actual first kiss.  

And the magic is there - we all knew it at the time on set.  Although it happened much faster in person the electricity palatable.  It was pin drop quiet people.  Pin.  Drop.  Quiet.  With a recovery moment time delay in our collective reaction and in the transference of data.  (Those digital files are MAMMOTH and required a specialist.)  I remember putting my hand over my mouth nodding yessssss while looking at the  monitor.  MAGIC.  The footage shows it all in liquid, high quality form.  CAPTURED MAGIC.  Pupils dilating, soft smiles of knowing, and the physical responses were all - real.  True professionals just doing a job, yet seemingly excited by the project, and the idea.  You know - just a kiss, at work.  It was a great day.

Conceptualized and made into a beautiful reality by me and my very talented hand selected crew.  My art heart ignited I had seen a fantastic slow motion nature art piece, and read a promo for lipstick that was so incredibly, exquisitely, graphic that when I woke up the next day and HAD had to create.  Inspired and proactive I made my first motion piece.  Please enjoy.

Jewelry designer and namesake Soho store owner Lazaro Diaz of LAZARO SOHO .  A mentor since 1995 now also a client (for my aromatics as well).  I was his in house wholesale/retail sales, creative administrator, and executive assistant from 1995-1998.  His was my first makeup job (before I was officially an artist in 1999) while there, for the promo mailer below.  "You'll do the makeup - it will be amazing!"  It was - and was the beginning of a new chapter.

(A pearl story featuring a client.  Lazaro and I went shopping at MAC makeup around the corner, she was dusted with low sheen iridescent powders featuring a "pretty" and soft makeup look, we styled the look together.)

(you're here          )





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